May 29, 2013

This is it.

I have absolutely no idea where this came from.  When I started this it literally just felt as though it was flowing from my pen as I was writing it down on paper.  And as far as the results go?  I really am quite pleased with the outcome.  This is it.  Interesting idea, I think.  I feel as though whatever "this" is, it could really be anything.  I'm seeing it as making a life change or some other important decision.  What do you see "this" as?

This is it.

This is it.
No turning back now.
But, why would I want to?
There’s not an answer to that question
There shouldn’t be an answer to that question.
There never will be an answer.
This is it.
This is what I want.
I want this.
I need this.
I have to do this.
I can’t live without it.
My life wouldn’t be the same.
But, here I am.
Ready to go.
I can do this.
I will do this.
I need to do this.  I have to.
I want to.
This is it.

May 28, 2013

Any ideas for a title for this one?

Here's another little short love poem.  It's just something that I wrote today mostly for fun.  I hope you enjoy it.  Feel free to share my writing with your friends!  :-)  Any ideas for a title though?  I couldn't really come up with something that I liked myself.  I'll take suggestions!

There are so many things
That I love about you.
So here's a short list.
I'll just name a few.
Your voice and laugh
Are music to me.
Your stunning blue eyes
Are just like the sea.
Your smile shines like
The sun in the sky.
I love all of you.
Don't ask me why.
It is something that I cannot explain.
I simply love you.  So don't you complain.
The best thing about you though
Is your heart that's so kind.
It makes me feel blessed
To know that it's mine.

May 27, 2013

i messed up

i messed up
            i made a mistake
                        i feel like a hopeless wreck
                                    how do i fix it
                                                what can i do
                                                            is there even anything i can do
                                                                        can i make things better somehow           
                                                                                                            is there anything
                                                                                                yes there is
                                                                                    i will change
                                                            things can change
                                                things will change
                                    they will be better
                        i know it
            i can feel it
i have faith 

I like this poem.  I enjoyed playing with format and I like the idea of also playing around with punctuation as well as capitalization.  As you might have noticed, this poem has neither of those things.  There have been times in my life where I feel like I've failed at some things or may not have done as good as what I had hoped.  Nothing always go according to your plans.  But, there is good news:  There is a glimmer of hope and a silver lining.  I'm still young.  I'm only 21.  Heck, I've got my whole life ahead of me.  Things can change and things will change.  I just need to brush the dirt off and get back up from a low.  I have the faith that I can make a difference to what the rest of my life will be like.  I also hope to make that faith in myself and what is around me grow.  I think that everyone needs to know that once you reach a low, the only place that you can go is back up.  Start anew and be optimistic!  :-D

May 24, 2013

I'm surrounded by idiots...

Here's a new poem.  I'm sure we all have that special someone who we know, in our minds, must be an idiot.  :-P  This poem is dedicated to the idiots out there in the world.  Read.  Share.  Comment.  Enjoy.  

I’m surrounded by idiots…

I do so wish that you’d shut up.
You’re loud and dull.  I’ve had enough.
You do nothing but disgust and annoy.
You’re presence is something I don’t enjoy.
Hearing you speak to me is a great pain.
Taking in what you say, there is no gain.
I’m far better off with talking to
A rock or pole or pile of poo.
Your pathetic life just makes me sad
But I’m not you and for that I’m glad.
Your looks are a bit awkward as well as bothersome.
Your personality lacks and you do seem quite dumb.
Your opinions are stupid.  What are you, three?
Oh how I wish you would get away from me.
I wish that I could say all of these things to your face:
You’re annoying, unpleasant, and a public disgrace.
But, for now, I will be quiet.  I won’t speak at all.
I’ll listen to your gab.  And bang my head on the wall.

May 22, 2013

Dear annoyance...

I really think this next poem I wrote is cute.  And VERY true.  Cats tend to not enjoy being bothered by annoying things.  Particularly puppies, small children, kittens, etc.  I'm not saying that all cats are like this, but you know how cats can be moody when it is during a time when they are wanting to be left alone.  That's what this poem is about.  I got some inspiration from a little doodle that my sister did and sent on the back of a card she sent me last summer.  It has a little girl carrying a rather grumpy cat awkwardly.  You can tell by the look on the cat's face that it did not particularly want to be picked up.  So, to go along with the poem, I've also added a picture of my cat, Tuna.  In this picture I had just put on her brand new jingle bell collar.  She didn't seem happy once I was finished.  Hahaha

Dear annoyance…

I do not like you.
Now go away.
I do not want
To run and play.

I don’t have time
For games and toys.
Besides, you’re making
Too much noise.

I’d much prefer
A quiet nap
Or some tasty
Morsel or scrap.

Some catnip and bed
That ‘s warm and soft.
No.  I won’t share.
Scram!  Buzz off.

A feline needs
Her beauty sleep.
Therefore, be quiet.
Don’t make a peep.

I do not like you.
Can’t you see?
So, please, will you
Stop pestering me?

May 14, 2013


I had said a while back that I was going to write another poem without rhyme.  Here is the product.  I'm rather tired and looking forward to bed, so maybe that's where I got my idea and inspiration.  I also wanted to play around with capitalization, punctuation and overall format.  I felt that with this poem it worked out rather well.  I hope you enjoy it.  Goodnight everyone!


a bed is a place
a place to rest
for sleep
a bed is a place
 for making love
it is a place
a place for
a bed is a place
a place to
a bed is a place
a place where i would like to be

Untitled Love Poem

Untitled Love Poem

He’s my drug and my addiction.
He’s my disease and my affliction.
But it’s a bug I don’t mind catching.
My heart each day he is snatching.
Days are brighter with him.
Without him, blue skies would be dim.
He calls me beautiful every day.
And that only makes me want to stay
Even longer in his embrace
And give one more kiss on his face.
I smile more with him in sight.           
To make what we have work, I’m willing to fight.
Come what may, I will make it last.
I’ve fallen for him and it happened fast.
I never thought it could be like this.
He had my heart before the first kiss.
Each day with him ends up the best.
I’m in love.  Who would’ve guessed?

Here's a cheesy, corny, mushy, love poem for you guys.  I wrote this one during the summer of 2010 as well.  I think it could be worked on here or there, but I think it's still pretty good.  Maybe, I'll try another love poem sometime.  See if I've gotten any better.  :-P

May 12, 2013

Mothers Are Important People

This is for all the mom's out there, including my own wonderful mother.  I love you, mom!  Happy Mother's Day!  You have blessed Hannah and I so very much and given us an abundance of love to us both.  Thank you for all that you have done!  Isn't my family cute too?  :-)

Mothers Are Important People

A mother is a very important person in your life.
Not only is she your mom, but she is also your dad's wife.
She is loving to your father and a mother to you.
But she is really many things.  I'll quickly name a few.
She can be a doctor when you are sick or if you are ill.
She can be a master chef who always keeps your tummy filled.
A mother is a seamstress sewing buttons and patching holes.
And when playing in the snow she will make sure you don't catch cold.
A mother is a teacher with many lessons to give.
Anything from the ABC's to how life should be lived.
At your team's soccer game she is your cheering squad.
She'll show her support even if your game is flawed.
A mother is a super hero who fights evil sludge and slime.
She uses her super powers to clean things off of filth and grime.
A mother is a shoulder to cry upon at night
When bad dreams scare you or when mean monsters give a fright.
A mother gives you many things, which I could speak of,
But perhaps the best of these is that she gives you love.

May 09, 2013

The Leech

The Leech

I have only one thing to preach
To you about the thing the leech.
He is the happiest when you bleed.
But, only because he has the need
To suck your blood and stay alive.
He has to so he can survive.
You may think that he carries disease,
But you only get ill from ticks, flies, and fleas.
So if upon you a leech is drinking
Before removing him do some thinking.
He's only hungry.  So let him stay.
And when he is full, he'll go away.

I don't know.  Leeches.  Weird.  Random.  It just came to me and this is what I got from it.  I'd still probably remove a leech from me if ever I found one.  And they do, at least I'm pretty sure, they carry disease.  :-P  What do you all think of the poem?  Definitely interesting.

May 07, 2013

Poor Pathetic Penguins

Poor Pathetic Penguins

Little birds in black and white
Looking oh so fancy
It’s like they’re ready for the ball
Even though they don’t have pantsies

At the bottom of the earth
With nothing to do
Poor pathetic penguins
If only you flew

Fine champagne and caviar
Many spirited waltzes
You’d be enjoying all of these things
If not for that one faultzes

Maybe if we sent a boat
And gave you the chancey
You would sail right to the ball
But please don’t forget your pantsies

Aren't penguins fun?  They definitely do look as though they are birds dressed up in little tuxedoes.  They're fancy!  :-D  Also, isn't making up words so that they rhyme fun too?  I certainly enjoyed writing this poem.  The "pantsies" part makes me think of Ogden Nash because I played around with how the word was spelled so that the rhyme would work.  I think that is where I got inspiration for it.  But, back to penguins and their dashing, feather attire.  I hope that you liked this poem!  Feel free to comment or share!  :-D

May 06, 2013

I’m Only Saying, “No.”

This is a random poem I wrote.  It's definitely an older one.  I wrote it in 2010 during the summer.  I figured I would share it on this blog too.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Maybe it needs some work.  Maybe not.  Also, I do think that my more recent poetry is definitely better, but it's still not too bad.  This was, after all, before a poetry writing course.  Take a read, and let me know what you think.

I’m Only Saying, “No.”

I don’t know what is wrong.
I can’t explain this feeling.
I feel like we’ve never met.
For a while you’d had me reeling.
Did you do something?
Was I under a spell?
It was a paradise to me,
But now it’s a hell.
I want to get away.
You’ve caused me pain.
When I asked for sunshine
All you gave me was rain.
We started out all right.
I felt that it was real.
I thought that it could be love.
But instead there’s now pain I feel.
I was number one.
I was the crux of your universe.
Now things have changed.
You are like a curse.
This has to stop.
It needs to end.
This is one heartache
That you cannot mend.
You’ll want to fix it, and
Try to make it right.
Save your breath though.
For it’s not worth the fight.
I’m saying were finished.
We’re finally done.
I know I was wrong.
You were not the one.
You’re telling me to wait
And hear your last plea.
I’m only saying, “No.” cause
You were no good for me.

May 05, 2013


I don't know where this idea came from.  It was just something that popped into my head while I was at work and I wrote it down so that I wouldn't forget it.  I think that it could use some work.  Maybe it could be a bit longer too, but I decided to post it anyway.  It's kinda cute.  :-P


In Ire-land
Where life is grand,
And luck is always true
There lives a fairy.
Or is it faerie?
I’m never sure.  Are you?

A leprechaun
Was very fond
Of our dear fairy.
She stole his heart
Right from the start.
Their love was meant to be.

From dusk till dawn
The leprechaun
And fairy walk hand in hand.
Through hills of green
And beautiful scenes
Of dear, old Ire-land.

May 02, 2013

I am alone.

I am alone.

I walk the streets alone each day.
Yet, there are many faces around me.
People move about as if I'm not even there.
I stare at them.
Do they notice?
Not even a hint of recognition as to my presence.
I feel alone.
I am detached from the world that surrounds me.
I'm an outcast in a populous civilization.
Alone.  Nothing.  Empty.
It didn't used to be like this.
I was loved.
I had friendships.
I was cherished.
People knew me.
I was a part of life.
Not anymore.
That's gone.  Over.  Finished.
The funeral was a week ago.
But what can I do?
I am alone.
I'm still getting used to this.

I do not know where this came from.  It's definitely a tad darker compared to my other poems.  :-P  Feeling alone in a crowded world because you're really a ghost and no one actually can see you?  I mean... yeah... it's definitely different.  Hahaha  But... I do like it for some reason.  Different can be good.  Sometimes.  What do you think?

May 01, 2013

Early to bed, Early to rise... means you gotta be quiet.

Early to bed, Early to rise... means you gotta be quiet.

First off, I'm going to say that I myself have probably been the "loud neighbor" at one time or another in my life.  Probably more than once.  Definitely more than once.  :-P  

You ever have loud neighbors?  My roommate from college, Denae, and I had some neighbors who were a little loud.  There were a few nights where it would be rather late and we could hear them talking through the walls while we would be trying to go to bed.  And, I think, one or two of those nights when they were a little loud, we actually complained to our hall director about them.  At least then, we knew who was to blame because we knew what wall the talking was coming from.  :-P  There were other times though.  I found these to be more annoying.  It would be in the morning.  Now, when you do not have an 8:00 AM class, you really enjoy the extra hour or so that you get to sleep.  That's hard to achieve when your neighbors would be up earlier than you and be really loud in the bathrooms/their rooms anywhere from 6:30 to 8:00 AM.  So, this poem was my polite and nice way of asking the neighbors to be just a tad more courteous in the mornings while others are still asleep.  I put it up on the doors in the bathroom since Denae and I didn't really know which neighbors were to blame for the loud noises.  Sometimes I feel like my mom needs this too.  :-P  She can be loud in the mornings when she's up.  I love her, but she has a habit of walking with determination.  Almost like stomping, but not quite.  My sister, Hannah, says that mom got up that early and put on her shoes and walk around loudly so as to wake her and myself since we would still be in bed.  My mom gets up pretty early in the mornings, so, of course, Hannah and I are still asleep.  But, My mother goes to bed early and gets up early.  She works hard during the day whether she's at the office or home in the yard.  She accomplishes much.  She's a hard-working woman, so therefore, I can't really complain too much about her being loud.  She should be more of an inspiration, than an irritation, but I'm young, she's my mom, and maybe someday I'll learn.  :-P

Early in the morning
You may be awake,
But please be aware
Of how much noise you make.

This poem was short.  So, I felt as though it needed a little more information about the backstory of where it came from.  Also, I don't know if it really needs a title.  But, I do really like this poem.  You have any stories of people being too loud while you're trying to sleep?