May 27, 2013

i messed up

i messed up
            i made a mistake
                        i feel like a hopeless wreck
                                    how do i fix it
                                                what can i do
                                                            is there even anything i can do
                                                                        can i make things better somehow           
                                                                                                            is there anything
                                                                                                yes there is
                                                                                    i will change
                                                            things can change
                                                things will change
                                    they will be better
                        i know it
            i can feel it
i have faith 

I like this poem.  I enjoyed playing with format and I like the idea of also playing around with punctuation as well as capitalization.  As you might have noticed, this poem has neither of those things.  There have been times in my life where I feel like I've failed at some things or may not have done as good as what I had hoped.  Nothing always go according to your plans.  But, there is good news:  There is a glimmer of hope and a silver lining.  I'm still young.  I'm only 21.  Heck, I've got my whole life ahead of me.  Things can change and things will change.  I just need to brush the dirt off and get back up from a low.  I have the faith that I can make a difference to what the rest of my life will be like.  I also hope to make that faith in myself and what is around me grow.  I think that everyone needs to know that once you reach a low, the only place that you can go is back up.  Start anew and be optimistic!  :-D

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