May 02, 2013

I am alone.

I am alone.

I walk the streets alone each day.
Yet, there are many faces around me.
People move about as if I'm not even there.
I stare at them.
Do they notice?
Not even a hint of recognition as to my presence.
I feel alone.
I am detached from the world that surrounds me.
I'm an outcast in a populous civilization.
Alone.  Nothing.  Empty.
It didn't used to be like this.
I was loved.
I had friendships.
I was cherished.
People knew me.
I was a part of life.
Not anymore.
That's gone.  Over.  Finished.
The funeral was a week ago.
But what can I do?
I am alone.
I'm still getting used to this.

I do not know where this came from.  It's definitely a tad darker compared to my other poems.  :-P  Feeling alone in a crowded world because you're really a ghost and no one actually can see you?  I mean... yeah... it's definitely different.  Hahaha  But... I do like it for some reason.  Different can be good.  Sometimes.  What do you think?

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