May 22, 2013

Dear annoyance...

I really think this next poem I wrote is cute.  And VERY true.  Cats tend to not enjoy being bothered by annoying things.  Particularly puppies, small children, kittens, etc.  I'm not saying that all cats are like this, but you know how cats can be moody when it is during a time when they are wanting to be left alone.  That's what this poem is about.  I got some inspiration from a little doodle that my sister did and sent on the back of a card she sent me last summer.  It has a little girl carrying a rather grumpy cat awkwardly.  You can tell by the look on the cat's face that it did not particularly want to be picked up.  So, to go along with the poem, I've also added a picture of my cat, Tuna.  In this picture I had just put on her brand new jingle bell collar.  She didn't seem happy once I was finished.  Hahaha

Dear annoyance…

I do not like you.
Now go away.
I do not want
To run and play.

I don’t have time
For games and toys.
Besides, you’re making
Too much noise.

I’d much prefer
A quiet nap
Or some tasty
Morsel or scrap.

Some catnip and bed
That ‘s warm and soft.
No.  I won’t share.
Scram!  Buzz off.

A feline needs
Her beauty sleep.
Therefore, be quiet.
Don’t make a peep.

I do not like you.
Can’t you see?
So, please, will you
Stop pestering me?

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