May 01, 2013

Early to bed, Early to rise... means you gotta be quiet.

Early to bed, Early to rise... means you gotta be quiet.

First off, I'm going to say that I myself have probably been the "loud neighbor" at one time or another in my life.  Probably more than once.  Definitely more than once.  :-P  

You ever have loud neighbors?  My roommate from college, Denae, and I had some neighbors who were a little loud.  There were a few nights where it would be rather late and we could hear them talking through the walls while we would be trying to go to bed.  And, I think, one or two of those nights when they were a little loud, we actually complained to our hall director about them.  At least then, we knew who was to blame because we knew what wall the talking was coming from.  :-P  There were other times though.  I found these to be more annoying.  It would be in the morning.  Now, when you do not have an 8:00 AM class, you really enjoy the extra hour or so that you get to sleep.  That's hard to achieve when your neighbors would be up earlier than you and be really loud in the bathrooms/their rooms anywhere from 6:30 to 8:00 AM.  So, this poem was my polite and nice way of asking the neighbors to be just a tad more courteous in the mornings while others are still asleep.  I put it up on the doors in the bathroom since Denae and I didn't really know which neighbors were to blame for the loud noises.  Sometimes I feel like my mom needs this too.  :-P  She can be loud in the mornings when she's up.  I love her, but she has a habit of walking with determination.  Almost like stomping, but not quite.  My sister, Hannah, says that mom got up that early and put on her shoes and walk around loudly so as to wake her and myself since we would still be in bed.  My mom gets up pretty early in the mornings, so, of course, Hannah and I are still asleep.  But, My mother goes to bed early and gets up early.  She works hard during the day whether she's at the office or home in the yard.  She accomplishes much.  She's a hard-working woman, so therefore, I can't really complain too much about her being loud.  She should be more of an inspiration, than an irritation, but I'm young, she's my mom, and maybe someday I'll learn.  :-P

Early in the morning
You may be awake,
But please be aware
Of how much noise you make.

This poem was short.  So, I felt as though it needed a little more information about the backstory of where it came from.  Also, I don't know if it really needs a title.  But, I do really like this poem.  You have any stories of people being too loud while you're trying to sleep?

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