May 12, 2013

Mothers Are Important People

This is for all the mom's out there, including my own wonderful mother.  I love you, mom!  Happy Mother's Day!  You have blessed Hannah and I so very much and given us an abundance of love to us both.  Thank you for all that you have done!  Isn't my family cute too?  :-)

Mothers Are Important People

A mother is a very important person in your life.
Not only is she your mom, but she is also your dad's wife.
She is loving to your father and a mother to you.
But she is really many things.  I'll quickly name a few.
She can be a doctor when you are sick or if you are ill.
She can be a master chef who always keeps your tummy filled.
A mother is a seamstress sewing buttons and patching holes.
And when playing in the snow she will make sure you don't catch cold.
A mother is a teacher with many lessons to give.
Anything from the ABC's to how life should be lived.
At your team's soccer game she is your cheering squad.
She'll show her support even if your game is flawed.
A mother is a super hero who fights evil sludge and slime.
She uses her super powers to clean things off of filth and grime.
A mother is a shoulder to cry upon at night
When bad dreams scare you or when mean monsters give a fright.
A mother gives you many things, which I could speak of,
But perhaps the best of these is that she gives you love.

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