April 24, 2013

The Video Game Killed My Boyfriend

I'm sure that there are many couples where the guy plays video games/computer games.  My boyfriend certainly does.  But, how often is it that you see the girl being the better of the two at gaming?  At least it's not normally thought that way.  :-P  I thought that this would be a fun poem and originally I actually had started it to make fun of my own boyfriend and his game playing.  The only thing is that I certainly am NOT is being good at gaming.  That's the only difference.  Plus the games my boyfriend would be playing are Star Wars and Star Trek.  Also, he's corrected me on the fact that the games I listed in the poem actually don't have "high scores" either.  I'm dating a nerd.  But, I'm alright with that.  :-P  Anyway, here is my poem.  I hope you like it.

The Video Game Killed My Boyfriend

I’d like to tell you of my boyfriend who is really a nerd.
He plays all day on his computer.  It’s rather quite absurd.
How can games be so addicting? Tell me, someone, please.
I don’t think he knows the difference of fiction or fantasy.
Halo, Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto, Donkey Kong, Gears of War,
Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, Minecraft, and many more.
He’s at his computer all day long as though he is glued.
He’s stuck inside his bedroom unless it’s time for food.
But I do not nag, tease, or complain.  No, not anymore.
Why you ask? Because I feel bad.  He’s trying to beat my high score. 

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