April 17, 2013

Poem in Your Pocket

So, tomorrow is Poem in Your Pocket Day.  Here's a link with some more in depth information and ideas and what not - www.poets.org.  
Now here's what the basic idea of it is if you're too lazy to click on the link:  The idea is simple.  Simply carry around a poem written on a piece of paper in your pocket and share it with people throughout the day.  You don't necessarily have to have a hard copy, just as long as you are sharing poetry and its greatness with others.  The link I posted gave several ideas too.  Some of them were to add a short poem to your footer in your email, put one on your social networking profile or blog (I guess I should be excluded from this one :-P), or simply text a poem to one of your friends.  The link also gives you poem ideas, which are shorter poems, if you can't think of anything to put in your pocket.  

Anyway, the main goal is to share poetry with others.  Maybe you can discover some fun/creative way of how to share poetry on your own.  I've already got an idea for what I will do tomorrow.  The only thing I need is some poetry.  I hope, if anyone is reading this, that you take part in it.  It could be fun, and I'm sure you most likely won't know of anyone else who is doing it, it's still an interesting concept of spreading poetry.  Now post poetry in honor of National Poem in Your Pocket Day, people!  :-)

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