April 27, 2013

More Ogden Nash

Did you enjoy my previous Ogden Nash Post?  I really like his poems.  He's so clever and is definitely one of my favorites.  :-)  I found this other poem by him when i was looking for something to share on Poem In Your Pocket Day.  You guys should look into doing that next year if you didn't this year.  Or just spread poetry to others any day of the year.  Whatever works for you.  Now, back to Ogden Nash. I really liked this poem that I discovered.  It made me laugh and I can certainly relate to it.  Have any of you lived in a dorm or apartment and your neighbors above you were incredibly loud or had other slightly annoying problems?  I've had some loud neighbors, so this poem made me remember that situation but in a more funny way, I guess.  I hope you enjoy it.  I know I did.

The People Upstairs
By Ogden Nash

The people upstairs all practise ballet.
Their living room is a bowling alley.
Their bedroom is full of conducted tours.
Their radio is louder than yours.
They celebrate week-ends all the week.
When they take a shower, your ceilings leak.
They try to get their parties to mix
By supplying their guests with Pogo sticks,
And when their fun at last abates,
They go to the bathroom on roller skates.
I might love the people upstairs more
If only the lived on another floor.

Don't you love Ogden Nash?  :-)  Oh, and by the way, I will certainly be sharing more of his works.  I hope that you liked it!

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