August 31, 2013


So, I love football.  More specifically, I love college football.  To get even MORE specific, I love Notre Dame football.  Today is their first game of this season, so to celebrate that I'm going to share their fight song.  Let's go Irish!!!!  Who do you guys root for on game days?

Victory March

Rally sons of Notre Dame:
Sing her glory and sound her fame,
Raise her Gold and Blue
And cheer with voices true:
Rah, rah, for Notre Dame
We will fight in ev-ry game,
Strong of heart and true to her name
We will ne'er forget her
And will cheer her ever
Loyal to Notre Dame
                                 Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame,
Wake up the echoes cheering her name,
Send a volley cheer on high,
Shake down the thunder from the sky.
What though the odds be great or small
Old Notre Dame will win over all,
While her loyal sons are marching
Onward to victory.

August 27, 2013



It is such a waste
To write a poem about paste.

This was an old poem I wrote.  What more can I say?  :-P

August 26, 2013

Silent Bird of Prey

Silent Bird of Prey

Silent watching from a limb,
The owl sat patient, still.
The foe’s survival rather slim,
He sounded a loud shrill.
Spying eyes glowing grim,
Talons stretched to kill;
Speeding quiet straight for him,
A mouse will hunger fill.

So this was something that my mom and I kinda did together.  We basically each took turns writing a line to come up with the poem.  This is an old one that we wrote just for fun maybe a year ago.  I think it's pretty good for just a spur the moment kinda thing.  Also the first owl picture was a little more dramatic.  Here's something little more funny.  :-P  Enjoy.

Also, owls are awesome.  My sister would agree.  Did you know that before she liked them, she used to collect owl things and give them to me?  She would say that I was the one who had the obsession and collected owl things and memorabilia.  That's not really how it is anymore.  It turned from her forcing owl collecting on to me to her being the one with that hobby.  :-P

August 22, 2013

There were never such devoted sisters.

There were never such devoted sisters.

Would you please go away?
Having you near ruins my day.
I know this all sounds rather rude,
But I don’t care.  You’ve killed my mood.
If only you could disappear
Or teleport away from here.
I do not like you next to me
Even though you are family.
But I’ll still love you to the end.
You are my sister and best friend.

I have a wonderful sister.  And I love her very much.  She's basically my best friend.  I don't know what I would do without her.  She has been someone who has given me advice, looked out for me, and has made me laugh and smile.  She's such a great example to follow.  Also, she is a wonderful artist.  If you haven't seen her work on her blog go to her blog here: and check out some of her drawings.  She's wonderful.

I miss and love you, Hannah Banana!

August 20, 2013

My front tooth

My front tooth

My front tooth
Ith rather looth

This one was something short, funny, simple.  I felt as though that this was all that was needed for this poem. It didn't need to be any longer than what it was.  Share, comment, floss, read on.  Also, here is a diagram/picture of what your teeth look like.

August 19, 2013

Look out, please.

Look out, please.

I know that pedestrians
Annoy the people who drive.
But please watch out for pedestrians
Because they would much rather stay alive.
The crosswalk is really their domain.
So please do not zoom on through it.
Take caution when approaching the sidewalk
And then no one will get hit.
Walking is a form of travel
Yes, people have legs, you know.
So look out for pedestrians
And over them you won’t mow.

Have you ever been close to being hit by a car as a pedestrian?  I have.  About four times.  I work downtown in Enid, and I walk across the street to get files from another building, run things to the post office, get change from the bank, go back and forth from the lot where I park my car.  So, I use the crosswalk quite a bit.  I've almost been hit multiple times.  I'm pretty sure that two of those times, if the car had actually hit me, I would have been in the hospital with serious injuries.  Yes, that bad.  It's scary to think about.  Well, now I'm more cautious.  I pay better attention.  I watch out for those drivers who MAY NOT be paying attention.  And when I'm driving I, myself, pay more attention to the roads, especially in downtown Enid when there may be someone wanting to cross the street.  So, I guess my one thing I would ask you, as you're reading this would be to be on the look out yourself.  Watch out for pedestrians.  And, as the pedestrian, don't be the annoying kind.  Be smart and safe about crossing the street.  With that, I think both drivers and people walking will both be a little happier/safer.  :-P

August 17, 2013

No Vegetables For Me Please

No Vegetables For Me Please

Broccoli is a vile weed.
I do not think it’s what I need.
Why make me eat it, mom and dad?
It tastes awful.  It must be bad.
Are you sure it’s “good for me?”
That is too hard to believe.
How can it make me big and strong?
With flavors like that, you MUST be wrong.
Maybe we can try something new to eat,
And not food that makes my stomach retreat.
How about serving something less green?
Then let’s forget this vegetable thing.

We all probably had that one vegetable or certain food that we absolutely hated when we were little.  Our parents told us to eat what we were served or we wouldn't grow up big and strong.  Things like that.  Maybe we grew up and our taste in foods changed and we matured enough to eat healthier and a wider variety of things.  Maybe not.  I'm in the maybe not category when it comes to certain things.  Broccoli being one of them.  I will eat it, but only if I had to.  I'd prefer it raw and not cooked.  To me, when broccoli is cooked, it just makes it taste more disgusting.  And not to mention, incredibly smelly.  Did you know that broccoli causes gas?  There's just another reason as to why people shouldn't eat it.  And let's not even discuss how it "tastes good" with cheese on it.   :-P  I think of Newman from Seinfeld yelling "Vile weed!" as Jerry gets him to eat some broccoli.  I feel the same way.  There's also some funny memories from a college psychology class that I took with my friend, Aislyn.  The teacher brought up broccoli for some reason during discussion.  But, that's too long of a story to tell.  :-P  Thanks for reading my poem!  And remember to eat your veggies!

August 11, 2013

Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful

If you could change your life...
If you had the chance to start things over...
Would you?
Erase all your mistakes.
Remove imperfections.
Delete all the bad memories.
Things could be different.
Life would be new.
You could make it yours.
Do things differently.
But when you think about it...
We learn from mistakes.
We grow from experiences.
We gain from relationships.
Life gives us lessons every single day.
It's a wonderful thing.
So why change it?
Why worry?
Your past is your past.
That cannot change.
It's a magnificent misfortune.
So look to the future.
And see where it leads you.
Life is beautiful.
It only happens once.
It's yours.
It's yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Live it.

There are times where I think, "What would have happened if I had/hadn't done this?"  Do you ever think that?  And then afterwards you wonder if things could have been better for you?  Sometimes then you think I wish I could change it.  Fix it.  Make things different.  What I did didn't go according to my plan.  Well, it's not under your control to make all those changes.  What you've got is it.  Make the best of it.  Look to your future because your past cannot be altered.  I often need to remind myself of that.

Do you remember the line from The Lion King?  Rafiki says, "The past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it."  Wise words from a silly baboon.  Love that movie.

Anyway, the poem was kinda wordy.  But as I started typing up my rough draft, I kept adding and adding to it.  There just wasn't enough that could be said.  I hope you enjoyed it though!  Thanks for reading!

August 10, 2013

Summer is over when school begins.

Summer is over when school begins.

The summer sun is almost done.
School will start soon.
It did not last. Fall will be here fast.
You'll soon need to attune.
Classes begin when summer ends.
Better get your books and supplies.
Pack up your stuff.  You've had enough.
Tell your vacation your goodbyes.
It's time to learn.  Summer's had its turn.
School will be your life.
Set up your dorm.  School's now the norm.
And I hope it won't cause you strife.

Well, school is just around the corner.  For me it starts on the 19th of August.  In about a week.  This fall I will be going to OCCC.  And if things go according to plan I will graduate with an associates degree this fall in diversified studies.  Whoop whoop!  Then I will either be finishing an associates in Biology or entering OCCC's Physical Therapy Assistant program.  It depends on how many points I have for the PTA application.  So, in the next couple years I could have three associates degrees by the time I start work!  I'm excited to start school this fall.  I'll have 16 hours, which hopefully won't be too much of a work load for me.  But I think I'm ready for it.

I hope you enjoyed my little poem I wrote!  It's certainly getting to be the time where everyone will be heading back to school.  Let me know what you think!  :-) Enjoy the rest of your summer!  Soon fall and winter will be here and we'll be wishing for warmer weather again.

August 06, 2013


Life is hard.
Sometimes it's too hard.
Isn't there a way to make things easier?
You grow up too quickly.
It's too fast.
Where have the years gone by?
There's too many rules.
Too many regulations.
Too many requirements.
It's too much.
I want to live it, but where do I start?
Time is ticking.
It's not waiting.
Sometimes I wish it would slow down.
Stop even.
Let me have a breather.
I need a break.
But, no.
It goes on.
With an unrelenting speed and certainty.
Like it's taunting me with constant nagging perpetuity.
I often think I'm not ready for this.
How can I live when I don't know how?
I'm unqualified.
I'm unprepared.
I'm not life ready.
Do I have to be an adult?
Do I have to to this now?
I just feel like life is kicking my butt.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?  I know I have.  Life goes by too quickly, things pile up, your beat up physically and emotionally.  Give us a break!  I often feel like there's so much I WANT to do and there is so much that I HAVE to do.  Like all at once sometimes too.  I feel like I'm growing up too fast.  I'm not ready to be an adult.  I'm not ready to face this big world on my own.  But, you have to get out there and face it.  It'll be a challenge but in the end you'll have these experiences with you that you will have learned from.  And the people you meet and the things you do will help you along the way.  Live you life!  It's going by and it won't slow down!  I just gotta keep that in my head over the next few days, weeks, and years of my life.  I hope you enjoyed the poem!

August 03, 2013

There once was a gnome...

There once was a gnome...

There once was a gnome
Who disliked his home
He wanted a place more cozy

He lived in a hole
With a mole and vole
They both were far too nosey

So the gnome set out
And made a new route
To find his perfect home

For to live with a vole
And mole in a hole
Was really too much for this gnome

He traveled on land
Till dirt turned to sand
And the sand turned into sea

And since he could not swim
His future seemed grim
Until he then saw a tree

So in a deep cleft
Of the branch on the left
The gnome was quite at ease

He had set up house
With a shrew and mouse
In the furrows of the trees

I think that this poem could use some work, but I liked the mental pictures I had in my head for this.  I could see possibly making it longer.  Maybe adding more situations where the gnome searches for new living quarters and roommates and finding himself in situations he dislikes.  So therefore, he has to keep moving from place to place until he finds another gnome (maybe a girl gnome?) to live with where he's happy.  I could probably change that from the mouse and shrew part, but I don't know how long I'd want to make that poem.  Hahaha.  To me that seems more like a story for a short children's book or something.  I do think that it would be cool to write a children's book of poems and things like that.  I'm just not sure if I'm quite there yet with some of my writing.  We'll see what all I do.  I still think I need some work for that before anything significant would ever happen.  :-P  I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading!