August 03, 2013

There once was a gnome...

There once was a gnome...

There once was a gnome
Who disliked his home
He wanted a place more cozy

He lived in a hole
With a mole and vole
They both were far too nosey

So the gnome set out
And made a new route
To find his perfect home

For to live with a vole
And mole in a hole
Was really too much for this gnome

He traveled on land
Till dirt turned to sand
And the sand turned into sea

And since he could not swim
His future seemed grim
Until he then saw a tree

So in a deep cleft
Of the branch on the left
The gnome was quite at ease

He had set up house
With a shrew and mouse
In the furrows of the trees

I think that this poem could use some work, but I liked the mental pictures I had in my head for this.  I could see possibly making it longer.  Maybe adding more situations where the gnome searches for new living quarters and roommates and finding himself in situations he dislikes.  So therefore, he has to keep moving from place to place until he finds another gnome (maybe a girl gnome?) to live with where he's happy.  I could probably change that from the mouse and shrew part, but I don't know how long I'd want to make that poem.  Hahaha.  To me that seems more like a story for a short children's book or something.  I do think that it would be cool to write a children's book of poems and things like that.  I'm just not sure if I'm quite there yet with some of my writing.  We'll see what all I do.  I still think I need some work for that before anything significant would ever happen.  :-P  I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading!

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