August 22, 2013

There were never such devoted sisters.

There were never such devoted sisters.

Would you please go away?
Having you near ruins my day.
I know this all sounds rather rude,
But I don’t care.  You’ve killed my mood.
If only you could disappear
Or teleport away from here.
I do not like you next to me
Even though you are family.
But I’ll still love you to the end.
You are my sister and best friend.

I have a wonderful sister.  And I love her very much.  She's basically my best friend.  I don't know what I would do without her.  She has been someone who has given me advice, looked out for me, and has made me laugh and smile.  She's such a great example to follow.  Also, she is a wonderful artist.  If you haven't seen her work on her blog go to her blog here: and check out some of her drawings.  She's wonderful.

I miss and love you, Hannah Banana!

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