November 15, 2013



why choose me
i'm not perfect
i have flaws
i make mistakes
i'm not impressive
why love me
why am i special
surely there
is someone better
someone smarter
someone who could
give you more
why choose this broken
substandard being
with countless imperfections
but to you
those things don't matter
your focus is different
you see past my flaws
my imperfections
my rough spots
you see my strengths
and all of my beauty
you see more
you see my heart
you see me for who i am
you see me for what i am
and for what i want to be
you see me for what matters most
as the one
you love

Here's a poem about love that's unconditional.  Why ask all the questions of the reasons why someone loves you when you have all these faults?  They know you have them, yet to them it does not matter.  Why I bet that they probably have some of their own.  And you probably are the same way.  But even with those faults of yours, a person who truly and unconditionally loves you will see past those imperfections and love you for all that you have to offer and all that you are.

I'm deciding to post this poem too just because I'M SO BEHIND WITH POSTS FOR THIS MONTH!  Maybe December will be better.  :-)

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