February 27, 2014

Where In The World Have I Been?

Where have I been all these months?!  It has been an incredibly long time since I've last written anything on this blog.  Life got busy and things kept coming my way and I kinda cast this blog aside.  I hope I can remedy that.  It was November 15th the last time I put up a poem.  Now it is almost March.  I let too much time slip by, but I'm sure that I can try to get back into the swing of things if you can bear with me.  I have to start over with my creative poetic juices.  It may be a while before anything I post is actually something worthy of posting, but I will try my best to start it up again.  In the meantime, let's talk about what's been going on in my world.

Life is pretty good for me.  I had a great Thanksgiving break.  My boyfriend was able to come spend it with me and my mother's side of the family.  The food was wonderful, as always.  And the day after Thanksgiving involved decorating for Christmas at my grandparents' house and putting some things up at my parent's house as well.  Christmas this year was pretty hectic.  I worked over the break.  All of the family on my dad's side of the family was there on Christmas morning.  It was a packed house.  Also, I got to spend some good time with my sister and brother-in-law.  It's always fun to see them.  They are never here long enough, it seems.  Fortunately their break and my break went to a later time so my boyfriend was also able to visit them while they were here too.  It was all in all a very fun Christmas break.

I turned 22 in January!  Whoohoo!  Nothing special when you really think about it.  But, it was a great day and I had a good time with friends and my parents.  My parents came down to Edmond that afternoon.  They brought me lunch and a cake along with some presents.  It was a short visit, a little too short to be honest, but it was a good time.  I did have a fun dinner at a place in Bricktown that evening too called the Bricktown Brewery.  If you like chicken fried steak, then they are a wonderful place to go to.  When I got back from that dinner with Christian, I also had some friends over and we just hung out for a while.  It was a good night.  I'm a year older, and hopefully I've gotten a little more wiser over that last year as well.

Let's see.  School also started again.  I have 9 hours.  I'm not a full time student this semester, but this spring I will graduate.  Yay for exciting things!  It'll be nice to have that out of the way, but I will probably be taking more classes this coming fall, or possibly this summer.  One thing is for sure, I will be job searching, so having a job will definitely become a part of the plan for this summer.

Next there was Valentine's day.  I made cards for my friends and a few family members.  They were cheesy, but they were handmade so that makes them better than just a store bought package I think.  I enjoyed the little break of getting to draw, make, and mail them to everyone.  I think I'm going to plan to make more just random everyday cards.  I do like to write plain snail mail.  I need to pick it back up and send more notes to people.  Anyway, for that Valentine's evening, my boyfriend and I decided to skip the whole idea of trying to brave waiting for a table at a restaurant.  Instead we made ourselves dinner at my apartment and watched a movie together.  It was a nice evening.  Cooking our meal and dessert at home made it more relaxing and less stressful.  Also, it was a little bit cheaper, which I'm sure Christian was appreciative of.  We made Shepherd's Pie and Guinness Chocolate Cake.  Here's a link for the cake www.tasteofhome.com.  It's sooooooooo good.  It's become one of our favorites.  And I will definitely be making it again.  One interesting thing that I received from Christian instead of the usual flowers/chocolate on Valentine's Day was a Batman Lego Set.  You may think it is a lame/stupid gift, but I think it was AWESOME.  Christian probably built 80% of it once I opened the package, but it's still a fun and creative gift.  I've still got it sitting on my dresser in my bedroom so I can see it everyday.  Batman is just chillin inside his flying Batpod thing.  We had a good meal, I received a fun present, and we ended our night by watching The Avengers.  I think my Valentine's Day was great.

Now since the season is changing I've taken down my Valentine's Day wreath I made.  Ever since moving into this apartment, I've greatly enjoyed having some sort of decoration on our front door to go with the current holiday or season.  For March I've made one that is St. Patrick's Day themed.  An Irish girl has got to celebrate, right?  That wreath will be going up on the door soon, and after that one will be a spring one I've already got made as well.  I've discovered that I really enjoy making wreaths and trying to be creative so I don't have something everyday that you would see on just anyone's door.  It makes it more fun to come up with something all my own.

I suppose I've got you all up to date with what's been going on with me.  It's not a poem, but hopefully it was still fun to read.  I will try my best to get back into the spirit of having a blog and actually posting regularly on it when I can.  My next post will be something more poetic, I promise.  Thanks for stopping and reading my post!


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