October 30, 2013

I Need Sleep

I Need Sleep

I am tired
I want to rest
I need more sleep
It would be best
I do not get
enough shut eye
And I am sure
That is just why
I'm always tired
And rather drowsy
And that explains why
I'm feeling lousy

Do you ever stay up too late?  I do.  I certainly have been up too late several nights this week.  I will admit that.  I don't have to get up extremely early and I feel more productive at that time, but I really ought to get back into a schedule of going to bed at a decent hour so that my body has time to recover and rest.  I need to work on that.  :-P

October 27, 2013

Out or in?

Out or in?

Could you please open the door?
It's not too much to as for.
I'm not sure which way to go
But when it's open then I'll know
So could you please open the door?
I do not like to be ignored.

Cat's are like this.  Never knowing which way to go once you open the door for them.  Out or in?  My cat, Tuna, has a habit of staring inside at you from the door.  She has her little paws up in the window and she sits there mewing at you until you come out and see her or let her inside.  She also has a habit of looking inside when she's out.  And then looking outside when she's in.  (If she's not running away from you to hide under my sister's bed.  She's weird.  I don't know.)  I know that when I went home for fall break, she really enjoyed having the company.  There was so much purring and cuddling from that cat!  I always thought that her purring sounds like a coffee pot percolating mixed with a tribble from Star Trek.  I was home house sitting for my parents while they were on their trip to see my sister and brother-in-law.  She definitely had missed people.  And, I will admit it, I missed her too.  It was good to spend some time with Tuna.

Soooooooooo I had originally wanted to post this poem the other day and it was accidentally deleted.  Therefore, I had to rewrite it from memory.  :-(  Sad day.  Unfortunately, I was not able to come up with the original poem I had written, which makes me not so happy. Fortunately, for some incredibly odd reason, the original appeared in a comment after I posted this one.  Once I post a poem, it shares automatically to google+ and leaves a comment of my own when that happens and I can see it.  So, I'm going to post the original that I had written after this.  Let me know which one you think you prefer.  I'm more partial to the original.  

Out or in?

Would you please open the door?
It's not too much to ask for.
I want out or maybe in.
I'm not sure yet.  I'll choose when
The door is open, then I'll know
Out or in and which way I'll go.
You may not quite grasp my need.
This is important to me
So could you please open the door?
I do not like to be ignored.

October 26, 2013

The Jack-o-lantern

The Jack-o-lantern

You pick me up off of the ground.
My color's orange.  My shape is round.
I'm the ripest in the group
So I've been chosen from the troop. 
For you I appear to be the best.
That's why you took me from the rest.
With some great skill you carve a face
Where once before was empty space.
Now I have two eyes that can see
And a smile that's rather scary.
You gaze upon my new expression
And take delight in your success in
Your new and eerie decorative piece
Which on Halloween you will release.
Now you're all set. Your carving is done.
Your front stoop will be a scary one.
Your jack-o-lantern this spooky night
May give trick-or-treaters quite a fright.

Here's another poem to celebrate this current season.  This was actually one that I had saved in here for about a month, and just never finished.  Hurray for Halloween, fall, October, and for finishing something!  I love the fall.  I'm sure I've said that several times in this blog already on other posts.  :-P  Anywhooo...  I got to carve a pumpkin this year.  It was by my front door.  Sadly, they never last long enough.  He wasn't able to sit there for long.  He had to go yesterday.  :-(  But, seeing him whenever I went out or in of the apartment was always fun.  Decorations always seem to put me a smile on my face.  It's always fun putting things up and getting festive for whatever holiday/season it is.  Taking them down on the other hand.......that's a different story.  I also got festive with my feet too.  :-P  I painted my toes with some orange and then some glittery black crackle nail polish.  Just ignore my ugly scar from my foot surgery.  Happy Halloween!

October 23, 2013

The Artist of the Kitchen

The Artist of the Kitchen

I am an artist
But not quite the customary designer
That you are accustomed to
I am an artist
But I work with a different medium
My craft takes
A proper time
An eye for flavors
Exact elements
Measured components
All combined in perfect harmony
To create every masterpiece I bring forth
My studio is unconventional
But for my artwork
My workspace is perfect
My creations are
I am an artist of the kitchen

I got to bake quite a few things while I was home for my fall break.  I was very busy in the kitchen this last Saturday.  I made chocolate chip cookies, three loaves of pumpkin bread, and 2 dozen apple spice muffins.  Deliciousness.  I love to bake.  It's my favorite.  Baking (and cooking too) usually has a way of making me feel better.  I definitely enjoy it.  Especially when it starts to get chilly outside.  The oven has a way of warming up the house and making it smell wonderful.  And now that it is fall it was obviously necessary that I needed to BAKE ALL THE THINGS!  I see many homemade soups, cookies, cakes, breads, casseroles, and many more in the future.  Maybe I will even try some new recipes that I've never done before.  What are some of your favorite things to make during the fall season?

October 22, 2013

Outdoor Contentment

Outdoor Contentment

The scenes of beauty
Of God’s great creation.
Give me feelings
Of peace and elation.
On a hidden trail with
Mountains, rivers, and trees
Is where I find
I’m most at ease.
The outdoor world
Relaxes my soul.
Something about it
Makes me feel whole.
I want calm and rest
For body and mind
God’s earth is the only
Treatment designed
To help relieve stress
And boost self-esteem
Or maybe in some ways
It helps blow off steam.
Being outdoors
Gives rest and renewal
By using God’s wonders
As your recovery tool.
No matter what state of mind
I can always be content
In God’s authentic world
Where my time is well spent.

Over the last three weeks or so I have been REALLY wanting to get out more.  Like, go to places and find nature trails, go hiking, canoeing, backpacking, rapelling, kayaking, horse back riding, camping, and things like that.  I want to try new things.  I want to do things I already know I love.  I want to get away.  There's just something about being outside and doing those type of things that gives me true contentment and peace.  I'm pretty sure that this urge to get away came about and has excelled when my parents visited my sister and brother-in-law in Virginia.  The fall color was just changing in the trees and they did go on a trail at one point.  I loved seeing all the pictures and it did make me quite jealous that my parents got to go.  (The pictures posted are from my sister's camera on her phone during that trip and a few old ones from a trip I had to Colorado.)  But, it also inspired me to want to get away myself.  I feel like it's almost like I'd be starting a resolution in the middle of October.  Hopefully I will be able to get out and see what nature has to offer in my home state, Oklahoma.  I can go to places I've been to before.  And, I hope to go to places I've never seen and discover something new.  It is the perfect time of year to start something like this.  It's turning to fall.  Colors of the leaves will be beautiful and the temperature won't be sizzling or freezing.  It's perfect.  Now I just need to just find a place, get out there, and start exploring.  Why do I need to wait?

October 21, 2013

Expired Inhabitants

It has been WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too long since I last posted.  I apologize to any of you out there who actually keep up with my writing.  I did have my fall break and I was able to write a few things while I was gone.  (I didn't have internet where I was, otherwise I would have gone ahead and posted them.)  Here is one of the poems I wrote.  It's kinda in honor of the fact that it is October and Halloween is coming up and also that The Walking Dead season 4 has started and that show is awesome.  I'm sure you know the topic of the poem now.  Zombies.  Fun stuff.  I will try to write some more and get some more posts on here soon!  Enjoy this zombie poem for now.

Expired Inhabitants

The world seems abandoned,
But only of those from the living population.
There are those remaining
Who walk this vacant yet occupied world.
Most limp and falter
With a constant lethargy.
Struggling onward
Towards an unknown,
unattainable destination.
A destination that doesn’t exist.
For them, time is their only abundance.
Nothing from their former humanity is important
They are but forgotten corpses.
Soulless shells.
The walking dead.
For them, there is only one necessity.
An essential sustenance.
It urges them to
They do not relent
Until their cephalic hunger
Is satiated.
But even then
It is invariably never enough.

October 09, 2013

The Ghost

The Ghost

There was a ghost
Who was the most
Frightening of them all.
He would scare
Here and there
On Halloween in fall.

Howling at night
Giving a fright
Using all his scaring smarts.

He would rattle some chains
And his ghostly remains
To put fear in others hearts.

Here's a little poem that I quickly (and poorly) wrote in the spirit of Halloween.  I know I've been behind with posts and I've been having some trouble with my creativity when attempting writing.  I hope with my fall break coming up I will be able to get back to that and maybe get ahead a little bit.  Share, comment, and let me know what you think.  Maybe take a peek at some of my other poems.

October 05, 2013

My Sister

I know that this post is not a poem.  And it also has nothing to do with poetry.  But, it's about my sister and her wonderful artwork.  I know I have mentioned her before.  Have you guys ever checked out her blog?  It's at this link here: hannahtuohyillustrator.blogspot.  She's got a lot of cool drawings and sketches and she's even illustrated a few books.  Also, in the spirit of fall, Thanksgiving, and Halloween, she's done some artwork that she's selling.  :-)  Here's the link for that post and what she has that's still left: For-Sale-Fall-Originals.  Here's some pictures of her artwork too.  I'm sure that you guys would be rather impressed if you checked out her blog or went to amazon and looked at a book she has illustrated.

October 01, 2013


Remember way back in amongst my previous posts oh here when  I put up the lyrics to a Justin Timberlake song that I liked?  It was Mirrors.  Well, here are some more lyrics for you to read.  This is a band that I've really grown to love.  They're from Hood River, Oregon.  They're called Sunderland.  They've got quite a few songs on iTunes already and they have some videos on Youtube as well.  Here are the links for some songs that are originals by them: Everybody WantsCloser NowKaylee Keep Your Hands Off, and then Runaways.  Also, here's two videos of covers of songs that they did.  One being We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift and then Demons by Imagine Dragons.  Both of those are very good.  You should hear just a few of the songs by this group.  Who knows, maybe you will enjoy listening to them as much as I do.  Check them out on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, or iTunes.  I don't think you would regret it.  :-)
By Sunderland

I've got to go.
Don't try to get me to stay.
I know your bags
Are to heavy to hold.
I'm too tired
And honey you've grown cold.
It's not gonna work.
There's just no way.

I can't clean up your messes
After you've made a mess of me.
You're just to young and reckless.
And I'm somewhere in between.

You've got to give me a reason darling.
You've got me hanging onto nothing at all.
When did your star stop shining?
Can you tell me when you lost your glow?

So pick it up
Or pack it out.
I've had enough
Of your let downs.

You've got to give me a reason darling.
You've got me hanging onto nothing.

Yeah looking inside
Can make you feel low.
It will eat you alive
It can take control.
Give it some time.
You can see what I mean.
I can't help you
If you won't help me.

I can't clean up your messes
After you've made a mess of me.
You're just to young and reckless.
And I'm somewhere in between.

You've got to give me a reason darling.
You've got me hanging onto nothing at all.
When did your star stop shining?
Can you tell me when you lost your glow?

So pick it up
Or pack it out.
I've had enough
Of your let downs.

You've got to give me a reason darling.
You've got me hanging onto nothing.

You got me good.
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)

You've got to give me a reason darling.
You've got me hanging onto nothing at all.
You've lost your step, your focus.
Now every move just feels so wrong.

You've got to give me a reason darling.
You've got me hanging onto nothing at all.
When did your star stop shining?
Can you tell me when you lost your glow?

So pick it up
Or pack it out.
I've had enough
Of your let downs.

So pick it up
Or pack it out.
I've had enough.