October 21, 2013

Expired Inhabitants

It has been WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too long since I last posted.  I apologize to any of you out there who actually keep up with my writing.  I did have my fall break and I was able to write a few things while I was gone.  (I didn't have internet where I was, otherwise I would have gone ahead and posted them.)  Here is one of the poems I wrote.  It's kinda in honor of the fact that it is October and Halloween is coming up and also that The Walking Dead season 4 has started and that show is awesome.  I'm sure you know the topic of the poem now.  Zombies.  Fun stuff.  I will try to write some more and get some more posts on here soon!  Enjoy this zombie poem for now.

Expired Inhabitants

The world seems abandoned,
But only of those from the living population.
There are those remaining
Who walk this vacant yet occupied world.
Most limp and falter
With a constant lethargy.
Struggling onward
Towards an unknown,
unattainable destination.
A destination that doesn’t exist.
For them, time is their only abundance.
Nothing from their former humanity is important
They are but forgotten corpses.
Soulless shells.
The walking dead.
For them, there is only one necessity.
An essential sustenance.
It urges them to
They do not relent
Until their cephalic hunger
Is satiated.
But even then
It is invariably never enough.

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