September 28, 2013

A Cup of Comfort

A Cup of Comfort

You may think that a cup of coffee
Is nothing more than a morning drink.
But to me it is something
So much more than you would think.
The smells bring back memories
Feelings of relaxation.
Aromas that hint at good times
Contentment, bliss, and elation.
A cup of coffee.  A cup of comfort.
It makes me feel secure.
Coffee beans and creamer.
Nothing is more pure.
I sit and sip and simmer down
Enjoying this one brief moment.
Relaxing and rejuvenating
Knowing my time's well spent.
A cup of coffee.  A cup of comfort.
A brand new beginning to my day.
Forgetting my problems and worries.
As I gradually sip them away.

I used to hate the taste of coffee.  I thought it was disgusting and I had NO idea why my dad would even enjoy drinking it.  I did love the smell of coffee brewing or the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans though.  And as I got older and eventually into high school and college I came to delight in the taste and smells and comforts of drinking a good cup of coffee.  I will admit that it has to have the sweet stuff in it though.  I doubt I will ever drink my coffee black.  Now, I enjoy do a cup of coffee.  Especially when it's a morning where I can relax and enjoy it.  I prefer that over just waking up and drinking it in a hurry before school or work.  I want to sit outside in a comfortable chair and just appreciate the moment of relaxation and not worry about what I have to do later on in the day or week.  I want to just enjoy the moment of there and now.  And, of course, it wouldn't have been proper to NOT be drinking a cup of coffee while writing this poem.  I have it here next to me with my French Vanilla creamer in my Notre Dame Irish mug while watching OSU football on this glorious day where the outside temperature is currently 60 degrees.  Fall is approaching.  And I LOVE it!  :-)  

September 25, 2013

A Lack of Humor

A Lack of Humor

What's wrong with you?
Do you not understand?
Your sense of humor
Is utterly bland.
Do you not appreciate
My jest or witticism?
Because I do not admire
Your "anti-joke" criticism. 
Apparently you must not
Enjoy sarcasm or puns.
Maybe that is why
No one thinks you are fun.
Try being more open
To funny things and stuff
And then you might be
Less annoying or gruff.
I find your lacking 
Humor an offense.
How could a human
Clearly be so dense?
So if you do not like
Or understand my short gag
Will you kindly shut up, please.
Keep quiet and don't nag.

Sometimes people take even the simplest joke or the most innocent remark the wrong way.  Do people not understand sarcasm?  Do people not have a sense of humor?  Quit taking life so seriously.  Laugh at yourself and the world sometimes.  It's healthy for you.  :-P  Stop being such a humdrum and enjoy what humor is in the world and all the hilariousness it has to offer.

September 23, 2013

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

The leaves are changing.
They are exchanging
Their old pigmentation
For new coloration.
Goodbye to greens.
Hello new scenes.
Autumn is here.
It has appeared.
We now say hello
To red and yellow
And oranges too
Of every hue.
And when all the leaves
Have left the tree eaves
Autumn is "Goodbye"
And winter is "Hi".

I LOVE THE FALL!  I am seriously ready to have the change of weather.  Bring on the cooler temperatures, fall colors, college football, pumpkins, hot chocolate/coffee, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the opportunity to wear hoodies, boots, and jeans!  I think that the fall is my favorite season.  And, I'm grateful to being able to live in a state where we have the chance to live all 4 seasons every year.  Gotta love Oklahoma!  It has been cooler these last few days.  It needs to stay that way or even cool down another 10-20 degrees.  I'd be perfectly fine with that too.

September 22, 2013

Time spent complaning about time is time wasted.

Time spent complaining about time is time wasted.

The clock tells the time
Every hour it chimes
With its ticking
And tocking
As if it is mocking
Persistently counting
While I am pouting
About time that has past
Too slow or too fast
But why complain
I have nothing to gain
For each minute I vent
More time has been spent
It’s something I cannot change

I complain too much sometimes.  Time is probably one of them.  I look at the clock and realize that time is going by too slowly or too quickly.  There's really nothing that I can do about it.  So why do I keep whining about it?  I should just face the facts and enjoy what time I have and what I'm able to do with the time that I'm given.  

September 12, 2013

Edible Happiness

Edible Happiness

The ingredients to happiness are before me.
Individually they mean nothing.
But together they're almost like heaven.
All it takes is the proper amount of each,
And a little work and some time
To enhance them into something significant.
A touch of this.
A bit of that.
Here and there add some others.
Give it a stir and watch it finish.
It takes some time.
But after a while you learn that it's worth it.
All that work, care, and effort put forth.
You come up with joy.
You end it with delight
You conclude with satisfaction
You retire with contentment.
You finish with happiness.
Edible happiness.
Happiness in the form of baking.
Happiness in the form of a cookie.


I love love LOVE to bake.  I greatly enjoy it and with fall coming up, I hope to do more.  I have a few things that are always my favorites, but I'm willing to try new things.  The pictures I posted are of a sugar cookie recipe that I had never tried before, a mint/chocolate cake that I made and experimented with piping on, and then an AMAZING spiced poppy seed cake recipe that I got from the blog Bake at 350.  You can find that blog here:  I recommend checking it out and discovering some wonderful recipes of your own.  Or maybe you have an old favorite that you always enjoy making.  I hope to get to baking some new/old recipes sometime soon in my own future!

September 09, 2013

The Ignored Humdrum

The Ignored Humdrum

When people don’t pay attention
I feel like I’m being ignored.
Then why do I bother talking
If my listeners will be bored?

Am I really too plain and dull
To simply pay attention to?
Is there something that I don’t know.
Right now, am I boring you too?

Here's the new poem for today.  I'm going to have to get back to writing some more.  

September 03, 2013

Take It Easy

Take It Easy

Sometimes I get stressed,
Worn out,
And over stretched.
But I should learn
To relax,
Calm down,
And just take a breath.

This is some good advice.  I need to do this more often, I think.  Calm it down and just take it easy for a while.  Don't think about wanting to hit someone in the face with a brick.  There's no need to be irrational here.  Just breathe and slow down.  Don't let life wear me out.  What about you?  What do you think?