September 22, 2013

Time spent complaning about time is time wasted.

Time spent complaining about time is time wasted.

The clock tells the time
Every hour it chimes
With its ticking
And tocking
As if it is mocking
Persistently counting
While I am pouting
About time that has past
Too slow or too fast
But why complain
I have nothing to gain
For each minute I vent
More time has been spent
It’s something I cannot change

I complain too much sometimes.  Time is probably one of them.  I look at the clock and realize that time is going by too slowly or too quickly.  There's really nothing that I can do about it.  So why do I keep whining about it?  I should just face the facts and enjoy what time I have and what I'm able to do with the time that I'm given.  

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