July 31, 2013

Pidgey Widgey

Pidgey Widgey

Pidgey Widgey in the sky
Why did you poop in my eye?

I don't enjoy your excrement.
Don't poop on me!  Use the cement.

I give you breadcrumbs each day for for food.
If this was "thank you" I find it rude.

Find a statue to use for the loo.
Do not make me a place for your poo!

If you ask again for something to eat
I'll think twice before presenting a treat.

Pidgey Widgey, now fly away
For you have caused me much dismay.

Did you enjoy my poem?  I hope so.  My mom will occasionally refer to any single pigeon as "Pidgey" and I thought I'd utilize that.  I think the outcome was successful.  :-)  Silly, yet fun.  Yeah!  Also, what do you think of the pigeon sketch?  My sister, Hannah, drew it.  I texted her asking if she could do a quick drawing of a pigeon and within a minute or two I had this image sent back to me.  She's very good at drawing.  If you haven't seen her stuff, you should check out her blog.  Here's the link for that: hannahtuohyillustrator.blogspot.com  She's an illustrator and a good one at that.  In fact, one of her books she's recently illustrated is for sale on amazon at this link right now: www.amazon.com/No-Sand-House-Jennifer-Crawford  It's called "No Sand in the House", and it's by Jennifer Crawford.  It's a very cute story and my sister did a wonderful job at illustrating it.  Check it out as well as her blog!  Maybe even buy a copy of the book!  Or, you can just chill on my blog and read some more of my earlier poems!  Thanks for reading!  :-)

July 29, 2013



A personality gives us each a definition.
Introvert or extrovert.
Shy or outgoing.
Reserved or Unrestrained.
And even though we may be only one or the other,
We are still different.
We each have a personality that's deeper than just being shy or bold.
Our disposition defines us.
Our characteristic makeup is who we are.
We are individuals.
Individuals with personality.
Enjoy your personality.
It's who you are.

I logged on to my facebook a few days ago and looked at someone's facebook status.  The first word I saw in it was "personality."  So, immediately I came to the blog and wrote a poem.  I saw that word and it started an inspiration for me.  I feel like since it has been a while since I've written some things, I'm a tad rusty, but I hope to keep writing and get back up to my old speed.  And with some more practice hopefully I can get back to doing some better writing.  Now, I hope you liked the poem.  Share, comment, let me know what you think.  Thanks for stopping by and reading!

July 26, 2013


It's been WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too long since I've written a poem on here.  Sorry, again. I'm still recuperating from foot surgery.  Other things have been on my mind.  Plus, sleep has been taking up most of my life the past two weeks.  :-P  Pain medication will do that to you.  Here is a short little poem for you.  It's about worms.  Weird, I know, but I needed something to write about and unfortunately for you this was what first came into my mind.  Worms are gross.  This poem could be better.  I hope you enjoy it anyway though.


A worm is like a noodle of spaghetti
In the dirt all muddy and wetty
Squirmy and germy and seeming quite sweaty
If he is cut in two, you should not fret
Because now he'll be a wormy duet

July 10, 2013


Here's the second poem that I promised you guys!  Goodnight people of the internets!


My family tree
Is somewhat crazy
But they disagree
And without me
My dear family
Would basically
Be boring

I love my family.  I have blessed with such amazing parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and a great sister and brother-in-law.  I'm so happy to be where I am in life and all of the memories that I have with everyone who has been in it.  I like looking back at all I've done with my family.  The vacations, holidays, get-togethers.  So many fun times shared together.  I am excited to look to the future to see what more life with my wonderful family has in store.  :-)  There are so many memories.  I'm ready to make new ones.  What memories do you have with your family?



I do apologize for slacking
But my creativeness is lacking
I've been busy too
With some things to do
But I promise in time I'll be cracking

So, it's been over a week since I have posted something.  Tsk tsk tsk.  Shame on me.  :-/  Sorry about that.  I've been busy with getting things organized with school work.  I've been busy getting things ready for an apartment that I'm moving into this fall when I start school.  I am still working my summer job and I also have been helping with my own house work and yard work with my parents  My sister and brother-in-law are going to be coming home soon.  (This weekend!  :-D  I can hardly contain the excitement!)  I've also got something that is going to be on Friday that will have me at home on the couch for at least a week.  Don't worry, I'll be sure to share.  Just not now.  I have a poem that I'll post up AFTER Friday.  So expect it sometime next week!

Sooooooooooooo as you can see, I've had my hands full with many different things.

I promise that I will try harder with keeping up with this blog.  I have really enjoyed writing.  Sometimes I find it hard to come up with inspiration to write a poem.  I don't want to sound like I'm just rewriting an old poem or something that I read by another person.  Does anybody out there in the internets read my posts anyway?  Do I have someone who likes what I'm writing?  Do you guys have suggestions/requests about poems I should write or things I should try differently?  It just makes me curious.  Anywhooo thanks for stopping by and reading!  I promise that I am still here!  And just to prove it to you, I'll post this poem AND another one tonight!  TWO!  Can you believe it????