June 30, 2013

Mouse in the House

A little mouse
Makes his house
In your walls
And floors and halls.
And so you hatch
A plan to catch
This little pest
So you can rest.
And now you wait.
You've set the bait.
Look!  Here he comes.
He sniffs the crumbs
And he eats the cheese
As he will please.
He's dead in your trap.

Here's a little poem about catching the annoying pests, mice.  I hope that you enjoy it.  Share and enjoy!

June 25, 2013

Where are all the dragons?

If a horsefly likes equestrians
And a housefly likes your home,
Then where are all the dragons
Around which dragonflies roam?

Flies are disgusting.  And annoying.  Dragonflies are a little better at least.  Anyway, this is just some short little something that I came up with.  I hope you enjoyed it!  Feel free to share, comment, etc.  Thanks for checking it out!

June 19, 2013

too long...

too long...

it's been too long since
it's been too long since
i'm tired of living on memories
the good times
the bad times
things shared
i want new ones
it's been too long
i miss you

Here's a short little poem that didn't really take me too long to write.  I feel this way with missing people sometimes.  Like right now, I miss my sister and brother-in-law, my friends from when I was at Oklahoma Christian, and especially my boyfriend.  Summers are hard when people live far away!  :-P  So...  Let me know what you think!  Feel free to share!  Also, here is a picture from my yard that I took a while back.  It's perdy!

June 17, 2013

Monsters Under Your Bed

I have returned from my trip!  Hurray!  Back to writing poetry!  I hope to be writing some more new things to share.  I'm glad to be back home now.  :-P  Here's a new poem for you!

Little kids always think that there's a monster in their room at sometime in their life.  They get scared in the middle of the night and mom and dad will come in and reassure them that they are safe.  There are no monsters in the closet.  There are no monsters under the bed.  Here is a poem I wrote about a little kid who has monsters come out from under the bed at night.  They don't come to scare him, but to get him into trouble.  But, the picture I posted is more of a cute monster reading with a little girl.  I thought it was sweet, so I added it.  :-P  You can never grow wrong with a picture.  Anyway...  Let me know what you think!  Comment, share, and enjoy!  :-)

Monsters Under Your Bed

Nighttime is when
Monsters begin
To tiptoe and creep
Towards you as you sleep.
They will get you awake
By the noises they make.
They'll mess up your hair
Because they don't care.
They are monsters you see
And they'll do as they please.
They will tickle your toes
And they'll tug on your nose.
Using their armpit jelly
They'll make your room smelly.
Throwing clothes on the floor
And scratching up the floor.
They will break all of your toys
With a joyous monster noise.
And when they are threw
Destroying your room
They will make sure the blame
Is on you.  It's a shame.
But your mom never sees
She only thinks you tease.
And your dad rolls his eyes.
To him they are just lies.
So until the next night
You'll just have to sleep tight.
And simply live with the fact
That your room's always attacked.
Live with being annoyed
With your room all destroyed
And the monsters will take pride
Under your bed where they hide.

June 07, 2013

The Goldfish

The Goldfish

The common pet goldfish
Has exactly one wish
To remember something
That was just happening
Three seconds ago,
But his brain's too slow.
So this poor fish pet
Will always forget
And will not recall
Anything at all
From three seconds ago
Since his brain is too slow.
How hard it must be
With no memory
Where you cannot recollect
Or even try to reflect
On the things you have done.
That just doesn't sound fun.
So I think my only wish
Is to not be a goldfish.

I had some pet fish in my dorm room when I lived in Edmond.  I wasn't very successful with them.  Let's just say I used to toilet to the great fishbowl in the sky for a lot of them.  :-P  Oh well, I'm sure those fish won't be the last ones I have in my lifetime.  I always thought that having a tropical fish tank would be cool, but I don't think I'd be able to take care of those kinds of fish.  Who knows...  Anyway.  I hope that you enjoyed my fishy poem.  Feel free to share!

Also I will be gone and away from my computer all of next week.  So, sadly, I won't be able to post anything for a while.  :-(  I will be back though, and I will try to do some writing while I'm gone.  Enjoy this poem for now and any of my old poems, and I will be back soon!

June 05, 2013



A big bunion
is never fun
when you're the one
who has it.

I do apologize for the weirdness of the poem and how random it is... and maybe the picture.  :-P  I just haphazardly made it up and had to share.  And yes, it is my own foot in the picture.  Lovely?  I think not.  At least my toes were painted in the picture.

I had a bunion on my foot.  I had it since I was in about the 7th or 8th grade.  I've always been a little self conscious about it.  It has also made finding shoes that fit properly extremely difficult.  Only in the last two years or so has it started to cause me pain that is more noticeable.  I played sports in high school so I always assumed it was pain associated with that.  But, it's definitely not the case.  It's also gotten bigger in the last few years as well.

I went to the podiatrist and it's something that will only get worse if I don't take care of it, so therefore, I'm having it surgically removed.  Unfortunately, he did say that this is a procedure that I will probably have to have done again later on in life when I'm in my 40s-60s.  :-P  Not yay for that.  But, oh well, I've got knee problems too and I'll probably have to have those replaced.  Oh the joys of getting old.

Anyway.  Bunionectomy.  Should be interesting an interesting recovery time.  This was what I was doing on Friday.  I was having my bunion removed.  Things so far have been going well.  Pain isn't too bad.  I've just got to have my foot elevated with plenty of ice and rest to go along with it.  Hopefully I'll be back to being normal soon!  I promise more poetry will come your way too!

June 02, 2013

Pray For Oklahoma

I'm an Okie.  And I'm proud of it.  I love living in this part of the country.  I get to experience all four seasons.  Fall, winter, spring, and summer.  I live on a small acreage outside of Enid, Ok.  And I have cow pastures and wheat fields around me.  I love my home.  And my friends and family here have blessed me so much.  I couldn't imagine having it suddenly taken away from me.  Having my life completely change.  Recently there have been storms that have gone through and around the areas of Oklahoma City, Shawnee, Bethel, Moore, and El Reno.  These were storms that had deadly results and caused catastrophic damage.  I really feel for these people and I know that I couldn't imagine going through the events that have occurred recently.  And, I hope that I never have to.  But, I have this short little something that I thought that I would share.  I don't know if it's a poem that should really have a title or if it even needed one, but I think it's how we feel as Oklahomans.  We may be beaten and battered, but Oklahoma will always be home.

Things may be lost and broken.
Missing forever.
Some things cannot be replaced.
Loved ones lost, who can't come home.
Now life is different.
But nothing will keep us down forever.
We are strong.
We are resilient.
We have faith.
And a hope to start over.
Loved ones will be remembered.
Things can be rebuilt and replaced.
Life can start again.
We can work together.
With prayer and determination.
This is where we live, and we are enduring.
We're proud to be in Oklahoma and a part of this state.
This is home.

With that being all said and done, find a charity or an organization and make a donation sometime.  Volunteer.  Do something to better someone else rather than yourself.  Here's some ideas: serving at a soup kitchen, picking up trash along the side of the road, donating to a thrift store, volunteer to walk/play with the cats and dogs at an animal shelter.  Just do something and get out there and help others.  And, I bet that you will actually feel good about it in the end too!