April 03, 2014

I miss you already

I miss you already

I miss you already
And you aren't even gone.
I don't want to think
About being alone.
Although that last statement
Is honestly not true,
Because deep in my heart
I will always have you.

Summer break is almost here.  A lot of my friends will be graduating and moving away.  My boyfriend is going to go off to law school.  People are going home during the summer vacation and will be gone for several months.  This makes me sad.  :-(  I'm going to miss everybody.  My roommate and I will most likely crumble into a spiraling depression together and curl up into a ball of sadness doing nothing but watching sad chick flicks and eating ice cream to comfort ourselves.  That makes us sound really pathetic.  Well, we will definitely miss our friends who are graduating and moving on to other things in their lives.  We will miss those who will be gone for the summer break, but won't see until August.  It's just one of those things that is a part of being a college kid and having to deal with the school year coming to an end.  It's hard to deal with, but the friendships that we have and share are what will keep us strong and together even though we may be hundreds of miles away.  Thank goodness for email, texts, facetime, skype, facebook, snapchat, snail mail, and all other ways that we can keep in contact with each other.  I've just gotta remember to keep myself occupied to distract myself from missing everyone and to remember to stay in touch with everyone who is important to me.  I have many great friends that I have made over the last 4 years.  And I will try my hardest to keep them going because they all matter.

March 18, 2014

The Banshee

The Banshee

Across the moors
And over the hills
The howls you hear
Will give you chills.
Do not wander
The highlands alone
For the banshee
Will surely moan.
Her cries of death
Can pierce your ears
Bringing to life
All of your fears.
If you meet her
Her deafening scream
Will make you wish
It's only a dream.
Her mangled face
Will terrify you.
So it's better
If you withdrew
From those lonely
And desolate hills
For the banshee call
Undoubtedly kills.

It was St. Patrick's day this week.  And the Banshee is an Irish myth, so I thought that this would be appropriate to write and post.  I hope that you enjoy it.  I did get the inspiration for it from watching an episode of Destination Truth on St. Patrick's Day with my parents.  It just so happened to be the old one where they are in Ireland investigating the Banshee.  The first four lines I have had in my head since then and now I've finally gotten it written down.  Happy Late St. Patrick's Day!

March 17, 2014

The Cat Lady

Here is a little poem for you about a cat lady and how her obsession started and she realizes that it's turned to something unhealthy.  I do like cats.  They can be silly and entertaining.  I have fun playing with Tuna when I go home to visit my parents.  I also hope that one day when I have my own place, I will have my own cat too.  BUT, I doubt that I will have more than one.  Two will by my maximum when it comes to feline companions.

The Cat Lady

I have grown obsessed.
I've become a mess.
It started with one.
I then thought I was done.
Then one became two
Followed by a few.
Those became more
So two turned to four.
I grew to be aware
A home covered in hair
Is not very healthy
For the feline wealthy.
The fur piled up.
I had become stuck
With my sad habit
That got just a bit
Out of hand so to speak.
For I am rather weak
When it comes to
Being one who
Has mousers as pets
And often collects
Them instead of making real friends.

March 11, 2014

I love you

I love you

I love you
Yes, it's true
I've thought it through
And you will do
I saw you
And I knew
You were
My dream
Come true

Here is something short and sweet.  I wanted to be able to post something new on here.  It's different in that every line ends with the same rhyme sound.  This next week is my Spring Break.  I'll be going home for the week.  It's also the week of my sister's birthday, which just so happens to be St. Patrick's Day too.  And exactly a week after her birthday is my dad's birthday.  Hopefully while I'm home I can get caught up on sleep, do some baking, and just enjoy visiting my mom and dad before I have to head back to school again.  We'll see what plans I can come up with for the week.

March 08, 2014


Hey, everyone.  I haven't had another opportunity to write a new poem, but I have been writing for my online mythology class that I'm taking this semester.  For our final project we were given three options of what we could do.  Our first option was to analyze something that we had read during the semester.  It is to be like a documented essay.  Option two was to come up with our own original myth.  It could be about a hero, a trickster, a creation myth.  As long as it was our own original story and we used the myths we had read as guides to help inspire us.  The last option was to create a dialogue between mythological characters from different myths.  It had to be as though all of those characters were in a scene together and they were discussing something that would be relevant for all of them.  Also, what each character said had to be something you would expect that character to say and be like.  I chose the second option.  I decided to come up with my own creation myth.  I really like what I came up with, although I do feel as though I rushed myself a little bit once I got closer to the end of the story.  I think I was in a "I want to hurry and just get it finished." type of mood, so the ending isn't as good as what I would probably want.  I thought that I would share this with you guys and give you something to read until I was able to come up with some new poems.  I have ideas in my head for some, but I just haven't had the opportunity to write them down and get to work.  I need to fix that!  But, until that time comes, enjoy my creation myth.  I wanted to go with an Irish feel, so the names of all the characters in it are ancient Irish names.  Enjoy reading it, and tell me what you think if you have any opinions, thoughts, or criticisms!  Yay for writing!

Creation of the Three Sisters, Heavens, Sea, Earth, and All Life

Long ago, the universe was simply nothing.  The universe was only a black hole and an empty mass.  It was void of life, purpose, and of any form of organization.  It was dark and disorganized with only one lord to watch over it.  The only lord and ruler over the universe and its empty vastness was Padraig, the father of the universe.  Padraig means noble born.  He was the first creator of things and was the first to realize that the chaos needed structure.  He saw to all things and how they were made.  The father of the universe, saw that there was nothing and this greatly disturbed him.  He wanted there to be life and matter.  He wanted an earth with beings that would serve and worship him.  He wanted living creatures that he would be able to care for because the universe was empty and it saddened him.  He no longer wished to be alone in the universe and he needed to change that.
He made plans to make something from this nothing and to create life.  So, Padraig cut a hole into his heart and took three pieces from it.  From these pieces he gave them the breath of life from his lungs.  One by one he blew the breath of life onto each piece, giving it meaning and existence.  And so his three daughters of the universe were born.  Now Padraig saw his daughters he had made and had given life to and he was well pleased with them.  He commanded them to create the universe, sky, water, winds, earth, and all life upon it.  They were to rule over the heavens and stars.  They were to rule over the water that separated the lands and the earth deep below it.  They were to rule over the dry lands and all the creatures upon it.  Each daughter was to create life and give commandments to insure of its prosperity.  
These sisters were the creators of the universe, earth, and all life upon it just as Padraig had commanded.    There was Aoibheann, the oldest and fairest sister of the trio.  Padraig gave her the first breath of life.  Her name meant pleasant and radiant beauty.  This was so for she was the most magnificent child to have ever been.  Aoibheann’s hair glowed and shown brightly like the sun.  It was a bright golden color and from it were many beams of light.   Her face was more lovely that any star or moon.  She ruled the heavens and sky.  The stars were at her every command and she shaped them in the galaxy by weaving it within her long golden locks of hair.  Each one was in its proper place and she called them all by name.  The center of them being, earth.  Each day she would weave her hair more and more.  Thusly, she created day and night, and gave us the beginning of time.  The other celestial balls and stars orbited earth and everything was flawless in Aoibheann’s creation.  Padraig was very well pleased with his oldest daughter and her success.
Next there was the daughter Maera.  She was the second piece of heart from which Padraig had given life.  Maera was a mysterious woman and was very strong.  She was silent, but still very powerful in her own way.  Maera had long dark flowing hair.  The hair was as dark as she was herself.  It was as black as the night and moved like water because of the many curls within it.  Her hair was so soft and so fluid that it became the sea and the earth’s many rivers and the winds.  Maera also ruled over the world beneath the earth.  This was land where the souls of the deceased would rest.  She created this by brushing her hair in the cracks between the earth and the sea.  They would sink deep into the mysterious chasm she created and formed the walls of the underworld.  She brushed her hair and created waves.  The tides became part of life.  Rapids and torrents could be created at her command.  She would comb her hair and calm the storm or she could send a typhoon.  All of this was made so, because the name Maera means sea.   And Padraig was welled pleased with his second daughter and her creation in the universe.   He knew that she would command what she had created well.
The youngest daughter of the universe was Caoilainn.  She was the most important to Padraig for she was to be the one to create life and to rule over the land upon which it lived.  Therefore, Caoilainn was his favorite.  Her name meant white, fair, and pure and she was very precise with her duties as a daughter of the universe.  Caoilainn was the sweetest of all three daughters as well as the most compassionate.  She, like her sisters also had long flowing hair.  Her hair was a brilliant and wondrous red beyond compare to that of anyone else’s’.  It was the color of fire and it shone like the flame of a blazing torch in the dark of the night.  Because Caoilainn was the purest daughter of the universe, Padraig trusted her to do the most important job in the creation of the universe. 
So, Caoilainn took a small blade from her robes.  She brushed through her long, flowing locks of crimson hair to make it unwrinkled and perfect for her task.  She next took the blade and began to cut her hair.  As the blade sliced through her tresses of red they slowly fell down to the earth below her.  Each piece landed upon the ground.  They took shape and certain forms that were individual to each other.  And then her father gave them all the breath of life, just like he had given to his daughters.  Gradually each strand of hair began to change.  Animals were formed.  Life began upon the earth.  There were birds to fly in the sky and heavens.  Fish and all kinds of water life made homes in the sea and rivers.  And lastly, there were all varieties of creatures and beasts to walk the earth, and among those were the first human beings.  Caoilainn and Padraig saw what she had created.  And both were very pleased. 
The humans saw what had been made and formed around them and were very happy with their new life.  They worshipped and prayed to Padraig and the three sisters of the universe every day and life on earth for the humans and all living things was peaceful and very good for all.