April 03, 2014

I miss you already

I miss you already

I miss you already
And you aren't even gone.
I don't want to think
About being alone.
Although that last statement
Is honestly not true,
Because deep in my heart
I will always have you.

Summer break is almost here.  A lot of my friends will be graduating and moving away.  My boyfriend is going to go off to law school.  People are going home during the summer vacation and will be gone for several months.  This makes me sad.  :-(  I'm going to miss everybody.  My roommate and I will most likely crumble into a spiraling depression together and curl up into a ball of sadness doing nothing but watching sad chick flicks and eating ice cream to comfort ourselves.  That makes us sound really pathetic.  Well, we will definitely miss our friends who are graduating and moving on to other things in their lives.  We will miss those who will be gone for the summer break, but won't see until August.  It's just one of those things that is a part of being a college kid and having to deal with the school year coming to an end.  It's hard to deal with, but the friendships that we have and share are what will keep us strong and together even though we may be hundreds of miles away.  Thank goodness for email, texts, facetime, skype, facebook, snapchat, snail mail, and all other ways that we can keep in contact with each other.  I've just gotta remember to keep myself occupied to distract myself from missing everyone and to remember to stay in touch with everyone who is important to me.  I have many great friends that I have made over the last 4 years.  And I will try my hardest to keep them going because they all matter.

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