March 12, 2013

Why I said "yes"

Uh oh...  I messed up already on this blog.  I forgot to post this last Sunday.  Well, I'm sorry.  :-P  Midterm week, visiting friends last weekend, and getting ready for an upcoming vacation has made me busy, but here is a poem to make up for it.  Next week I'll be in Florida, so I may be late with posting another poem then, but hopefully I'll get another one up and ready soon enough.  Here's the poem I have for this week.  Enjoy.

Why I said "yes"

I stare at him from across the room.
Brown hair, brown eyes.
Eyes that glow back at you when you gaze into them. 
This was the man I fell in love with.
The man I married.
The man who makes me feel complete.
I look upon him.  He looks back.
God, he is sexy.
He smiles at me and pulls me into his warm embrace.
Who ever thought that a simple hug could be so intimate?
I feel as though this is where I belong.
In his arms.
I never want to leave. 
His arms around me make me feel safe.
Nothing can hurt me.
Nothing can separate us. 
I love everything about him.
I suppose that's why I said "yes".

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