February 25, 2013

Ever Warm, Evergreen

So...  This is a new blog for me.  I had an old one, but I didn't keep up with it very well.  I feel like this one will be better since I know what I'm writing each time I post and that should be helpful.  Anyway, I plan to try to write a poem at least once a week (Let's see how long this lasts.  :-P) and I think that it should be pretty fun.  I've always enjoyed poetry and writing poetry.  I'll share some of my own I've already written, write new poetry of my own, and possibly share some of my favorite poems from other authors.

Here's a new one for this week.  I wrote this for a poetry class I had this last fall semester.  I feel like it is appropriate since tomorrow the weather is forecasted to have blizzard like conditions.  Yay for snow!  Here it goes.  Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Ever Warm, Evergreen

Why does the Evergreen
Never lose his leaves
When the air gets colder,
And things begin to freeze? 

Instead he keeps his needles
As a warm, winter jacket.
While the cold deciduous,
Shiver and make a racket.

They complain about the cold
And of the changing season,
For their leaves have fallen off
So that gives them a reason.

"This wind is harsh!" says the Elm,
"I hate the cold, wet snow."
"I miss the spring.  I miss the spring"
Cries the sad Willow. 

The Maple shivers in the breeze.
The Ash is covered in ice.
The Oak deep in thought thinks
Of how warm weather is nice. 

But fortunately for the Evergreen,
His leaves are there to stay.
He'll stay warm all winter long
Until spring returns one day.